Monday, July 15, 2013

Understanding Your Aging Skin

Where did those wrinkles come from?  

Young skin has healthy amounts of collagen and elastin fibers, keeping it firm and supple. As we age, our skin layers become thinner and less able to withstand environmental assaults. Two components of our skin - collagen and elastin - degenerate.  If this isn’t bad enough, the number of epidermal cells decreases by 10% every ten years, compromising the skin’s ability to repair itself. The end result: skin looks dry and dull, pores become visibly larger, and sagging, creasing, and wrinkling ensue. 

While it may be natural, it's not fun. And so considerable research has been done to understand the aging process. Studies now show that products containing bioactive ingredients (those that interact with living tissue) can benefit skin that has been sun-damaged, discolored, and aged. 

Unfortunately, most anti-aging products are full of promises and hype, but they rarely deliver results. With the Rodan + Fields® REDEFINE Regimen, empty promises are a thing of the past. Committed to providing at-home skincare that works, Stanford-trained dermatologists Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields have developed an intelligent approach to addressing skin aging based on facts rather than fiction; real science over fads. With the REDEFINE Regimen Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields have created a unique multi-pronged approach that synergistically helps target each of the causes of skin aging, decelerating the visible aging process so skin looks its best. 

    Smooth   -    Firm   -    Correct    -    Defend

Rodan + Fields REDEFINE Regimen is a four-product, daily system that delivers visible and quantifiable results. This comprehensive system layers the latest advances in peptide technology and clinically proven skincare ingredients to visibly firm skin and reduce the appearance of lines, pores and loss of firmness.  

Want to know more? Visit me at or email me at

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Not a Rodan + Fields customer yet?

Rodan + Fields Redefine Multi-Function Eye really WORKS!

You might want to be after seeing these BEFORE & AFTER images of women who have benefitted from Rodan + Fields Redefine Multi-Function Eye Cream!  

I have been using this myself for about two weeks and have seen noticeable improvement, which I am thrilled about.  My eyes look younger...and happier!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What's to LOVE about Rodan + Fields?

1. I LOVE that we stand by our products!  These are products designed by dermatologists and I get those benefits without paying for the office visit or prescription. Each product comes with a full 60 day MONEY BACK, EMPTY BOTTLE GUARANTEE (although we have less than a .3% return rate because our customers love our products THAT much!).   The products are financially risk free! They even come with the support of a nurse who is available by phone to answer our questions and the questions of our clients. 

2. I LOVE  that it’s a virtual-based business!  We DO NOT need to do home parties, we DO NOT stock inventory, and we DO NOT deal with deliveries!  I am never worried about who will host my next event or how I am going to get rid of a closet full of products – and my paycheck keeps growing!  Our sales are completed via our personal websites so it only takes a few minutes of my time to enter a new order on my laptop or iPad. Not only is this efficient but it also means I can take my business with me wherever I go: vacation, ball game,  etc.

3. I LOVE that I get to be a business partner with these two incredible doctors who are revolutionizing anti-age skin care!  And because the award-winning R+F direct sales business is still so new, I get to be one of the FIRST in this ground floor opportunity and look forward to a lifetime of residual income.  All the while, I still get to be my husband’s wife, my kids' mom, a photographer, and the friend that doesn’t have to pester you to host a party for me!

What's to LOVE about Rodan + Fields, you ask?  My question is, What's NOT to LOVE?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Great Complexion

Don't you love it when people tell you that you have a great complexion?

Well, I do!  And, it's been happening a LOT lately.  I have to say it has been a nice change of pace from the past, ummmmm, well, not sure how many years, to be honest.  It was 20 years ago that I last recall being envied for my skin.  

Since that time, my body's largest organ has done its job of protecting me, but it has gradually shown the results of sunbathing without sunscreen...sleeping chest-down...scarring from skin biopsies...not exfoliating...pulling at my eyelids to place contacts...and more.   

I used to assume that I was doomed to a future filled with increasing wrinkles and lost collagen.  Kind of depressing, but better than the alternative, I thought.  And then came Rodan+Fields.  A modern miracle as far as I'm concerned.

My biggest dilemma now is deciding how many girlfriends I want to share my skin care secret with!  :)

To great skin,

Monday, July 8, 2013

I made this...just for fun



AVON: Founded in 1886, approx. 6.4 million independent reps.
MARY KAY: Founded in 1963, approx. 2.8 million independent reps.
ARBONNE: Founded in 1980, approx. 1 million independent reps.

RODAN + FIELDS (direct sales): Founded in 2008, approx. 30,000 independent reps.



1. Health / Beauty Companies using the Direct Sales business model have been successful for more than 100 years.

2. Rodan+Fields has only been in Direct Sales for 6 years!  But, the company has gained the attention and respect of industry leaders.

3. There has never been a better or easier time to start your own Rodan+Fields business!  This is still considered a ground level opportunity!

4. You won't find an opportunity like this anywhere else for such a small (and risk-free) investment!!


Email or Call 937-272-1771

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I'm so excited to be partnering with Rodan + Fields

A few months ago, I met a Rodan+Fields consultant through my local Chamber of Commerce.  I had joined to help my photography business, not even considering that I might come across a completely different, but equally valuable opportunity.

To be fair, I didn't give Rodan+Fields a second thought...for about 6 weeks.  Then one day, a light bulb appeared over my head (literally--you should have been there!) and I realized that taking on the role of skin care consultant wasn't a conflict with my photography.  In fact, the two seemed like a perfect pairing!  I am constantly asked if I can Photoshop people in real life.  And, I finally found a way to do it!!

I signed on in May and have loved using the products for my own skin.  I even have my hubby using the Redefine regimen.  

I won't share my BEFORE image just I have only been using these products for 3 weeks.  But, I can tell you that I am loving them!!

Thanks for visiting my blog and starting this journey alongside me!  

I Will Be Your Cheerleader!

Ahhhh, Sunday! You are a great day to relax, tally all that I've accomplished throughout the week, and the time to make my To Do list fo...