Sunday, July 29, 2018

I Will Be Your Cheerleader!

Ahhhh, Sunday! You are a great day to relax, tally all that I've accomplished throughout the week, and the time to make my To Do list for the upcoming days.

One of my Sunday rituals is a certain TV show. CBS Sunday Morning News is so perfect for me. It's full of unusual, albeit sometimes useless, information. But, I just love that I ALWAYS learn something new! Today's show highlighted two topics that really stood out to me.

First, many jobs (~ 30%) will, in the not too distant future, be replaceable by robots 😮. That change will also increase the nation's disparity in wages. Just think of that ... 3 of
every 10 
jobs could be replaced by a ROBOT! Progress comes with its problems and that likely leaves many of us with the need to be a part of the "gig economy". 

Ever heard of that?

Second, studies have shown that people who are HAPPIER are HEALTHIER. What makes YOU happy might be different than what makes ME happy, but finding that thing that makes your ❤️ smile is soooooo vital!!

Throughout my life, my immune system has proven more than once that it's a bit flawed. I have zero doubt that I am still here because I, with great intention, learned to manage my stress level. That might mean that I "gave up" the corporate career my college days prepped me for, but it also means that I can breathe and find 😍 MY HAPPY on a daily basis. Each day, I get to CHOOSE what my priorities are: Faith, Family & Friends, my business, and anything else feels important that day. That FREEDOM is where the happiness lies! 

So, if you've stuck with me this far, here is my point. You don't have to fit into the mold that you've been told is for you. You can, with intention, find your HAPPY every. single. day. You can forge your own thinking outside the box. You can plan for the future, but still take time to breathe and enjoy the present. And I will be here, cheering you on!



Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dear Pimples, It's Time to Say Goodbye!

It may not be a matter of life or death, but ridding your skin of acne is, indeed, life-changing!  With acne, comes embarrassment, pain (both physical and emotional).  It's tough on your self-esteem.  I can attest to this personally, as a girl who tried to cover her cystic acne with makeup in high school.  It didn't work.  I knew it.  And, it limited which activities I chose to participate in.  If only I'd had something like Unblemish back then! What a difference it would have made.

Thankfully, Shililah does have Unblemish and this is her before & after, followed by her testimonial.  

"It's been a journey of pain and desperate times in search of result oriented skin care regimen for my severe acne. From using antibiotics to buying all sorts of creams and ointments that over promised results and under delivered, my bathroom cabinet was cluttered with products. Then I was introduced to Rodan and Fields by my sister Wangare Marshall. At first I was skeptical because I felt I had tried it all, but 6 months later I became a believer. My story changed, I used R+F Unblemish and Soothe Regimen, now my skin is clear and radiant. I am confident to put my best face forward!"

So happy for you, Shillalah!

Here is what she used:

1. Unblemish RegimenA complete Multi-Med® Therapy solution, the UNBLEMISH Regimen is clinically tested to help stop blackheads and pesky pimples before they become visible on your skin’s surface. Found to combat the entire acne cycle, this Regimen helps unclog pores, calm your complexion and keep acne from making unwelcome appearances. UNBLEMISH Regimen combines cosmetic and active over-the-counter ingredients to penetrate pores and eliminate most acne blemishes.

2. Soothe Regimen (to minimize redness and inflammation until acne is under better control)

Who do you know that could benefit from this simple daily regimen?  Please share this post with them and let them know they can try it risk-free because of R+F's 100% money back guarantee.  It's time to say adios, pimples!

Love The Skin You're In! 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

This Is Not the Look I Was Going For

You've been there, right?  Feeling tired and worse, looking it.  You're busy, and an extra four hours of sleep is not an option right now. Except for sunglasses, you're not sure what to put on your eyes.

And to make matters worse, your skin doesn't seem to be agreeing with whatever you've been using on it.  So, where do you turn when your skin looks angry and your under eye bags look like they can hold more than your purse? 

You might feel overwhelmed and, if you go out at all, making a quick run to the nearest drug store could be as far as you get.  There, you'll spend an inordinate amount of time looking for that special miracle cream that claims to do it ALL and finally settle on something, in hopes it will help.

Fast forward 24 hours.  Skin is still red.  Eyes still look tired.  So now what?  Here's a thought.  Maybe the products you need aren't sold in a store.  Maybe you needed to find this blog post so I can help!

Karen realized her solution was literally a click away and was able to order online.  Look at her results after just one week!  With a simple daily regimen, her skin calmed down, allowing her natural skin tone to shine through.  Look at her under eyes - no more bags!  And all of this is thanks to a brand that offers a 100% money back guarantee!  So Karen didn't have to worry about spending money on another product that doesn't deliver results.  

Here's what Karen used:

1. Rodan+Fields SOOTHE regimen. This complete Multi-Med® Therapy solution is developed specifically for sensitive skin. This regimen replaces harsh emulsifiers used to create traditional creamy moisturizers, and includes patent-pending RFp3 Technology, a powerful combination of skin-soothing peptides that can calm dry skin and reduce visible signs of redness.  When your skin is irritated, you must address the sensitivity before moving on to most anti-aging products, which can be too aggressive. (An exception is R+F's newest innovation - Intensive Renewing Serum - which is effective for ALL skin types.) 

2. Bright Eye Complex.  This lightweight gel-cream visibly improves the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and overall dullness surrounding your eyes. Its hydrating power is supercharged with a complex of phytonutrients and illuminating brighteners to help nourish and refresh the undereye area.  Watch results happen quickly and improve over time!

You can save an additional 10% by becoming a member of the Rodan+Fields Preferred Customer Perks Program.  This Program also offers free shipping on most purchases, discounts on all future orders, and special offers just for Program members.

I hope this information has been helpful to you!  If you have a different skin concern, let me know.  I'd love to help!

Love The Skin You're In!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What You Should Know About Parabens

In a world where FEAR seems to be a big motivator, too many companies are taking your fear to the bank. The list of 'natural' companies keeps growing, which sounds like a good thing. But are they truly looking out for you? Or are they just taking your hard earned money and hoping you won't do your due diligence?
You’d think that, since more and more brands have sworn off parabens, products have become safer, right? You would hear about 'natural' product recalls if they existed, right? Brands wouldn't mislead you into thinking their products are safer for you or the environment, right? Wrong, wrong, and you guessed it, wrong.
Beauty brands, in particular, used a single study as a clever way to increase their sales. The 2004 study, which showed that parabens were present in the tissues of patients with breast cancer, got enough press to create a lot of hysteria (and create a whole new niche market ~ cha-ching!). The idea that Parabens lead to Cancer has stuck. There's only one problem. It hasn't been proven true. In fact, no study has shown a direct correlation.
You see, parabens are naturally occurring in foods like blueberries, carrots and olives. And they've been used for decades in our skincare and cosmetics. Why? Because they're a SAFE and EFFECTIVE method of controlling bacterial and fungal growth. Without parabens, we'd all need to prepare fresh skincare and cosmetic products on a weekly basis, if not more often, to avoid dangerous levels of bacteria that could make us VERY ill.
So, while these 'natural' companies are enjoying their profits, they could actually be putting your health at risk. (Isn't that what they said they were trying to avoid??) If their products aren't using parabens to control fungus and bacteria....WHAT are they using? You might be surprised to learn that paraben substitutes can actually do more harm than good. If your skincare or cosmetic reps tell you a product is 'natural' and 'paraben-free', I encourage you to ask them WHAT ingredient is controlling the fungus and bacteria in the products they're trying to sell to you. (Wait for the stunned silence.)
Below is a list of ingredients used by companies who pride themselves on being 'paraben-free' -
Formaldehyde-Releasing (irritating to skin): 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1, 3-diol , Diazolidinyl urea , DMDM hydantoin , Hydroxymethylglycinate , Imidazolidinyl urea , Quaternium-15 , Trishydroxymethylnitromethane
Organic Acids (ONLY kill fungi, not bacteria): Salicylic acid, Benzoic acid, Sorbic acid
Sodium Benzoate (Effective against fungi and yeast, but not so effective against bacteria)Warning - When used together with low concentrations of vitamin C, it forms benzene, a known carcinigen
Potassium Sorbate: Synthetically altered before being added to cosmetics, it's very effective at killing fungi, but struggles with bacteria
Essential Oils (must be used in very high concentrations to be effective, which is irritating to the skin; ineffective in skincare and cosmetics): Clove, Thyme, Tea Tree
Effective at killing bacteria, but cause Allergies and Irritations: Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI) and Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)
Anti-Oxidants (these are mistaken as preservatives but, will not kill dangerous microorganisms): Vitamin E, grape fruit seed extract, rosemary,
To Sum it Up --
1. Reputable science says that the minute amounts of parabens used in cosmetics and OTC products are safe!
2. Paraben alternatives are either more harsh or less effective.
3. Bonus: parabens are broken down naturally in the environment, so they don’t add to pollution.

   It's always best to be a bit skeptical and do your research. If your preferred skincare's representative doesn't know how to answer that one simple question about what's protecting you from dangerous bacteria, I'd suggest running the other way and finding a new brand.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

No More Excuses! You've Got This!

There is no better time to add a second stream of income, a Plan B…or if you're especially savvy, one more stream of residual income.  Rodan+Fields is in its infancy and will grow to be another global giant - in an industry that is growing by the day. If you believe that history repeats itself, you know that the dermatologists who created the world's #1 acne treatment, Proactiv Solution, will take the anti-aging world by storm.  

In fact, they already are. Their namesake brand, Rodan + Fields ® has quickly risen to the #4 premium skincare brand, behind decades-old Clinique, Lauder and Lancome brands!  HOW did this happen?  Proven and effective products combined with old fashioned word-of-mouth marketing.  

It doesn't matter where you reside, this business can be worked from anywhere with a Wi-Fi signal.  Imagine getting paid to wash your face and talk about it!  I'd love to show you how!  Just click the MESSAGE ME button at the top of this page!  And please explore some of the amazing Before & After photos of REAL people with REAL results, here.

Love The Skin You're In!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A mere 16% of the population is reached by high-end department store skin care brands.  The solution?  Find a more convenient alternative to provide clinical grade results to more people.  

Meet the two savvy dermatologists who made the unprecedented decision to pull their top selling skin care brand out of retail….and are now experiencing triple digit growth as a result --- Dr. Katie Rodan (red box, left) and Dr. Kathy Fields.

Every day, people pass on the opportunity to partner with these doctors…either because of a fear of failure or insufficient information.  That's a shame.  If people understood the business, they wouldn't dream of walking away!!  And if people could experience how simple it is, they would see a viable business for anyone, regardless of location, finances, or time.

When two of the most successful women entrepreneurs of the DECADE --- and founders of a multi billion dollar global company that's held the #1 product spot for 20 years and is sold in 181 COUNTRIES --- offer YOU a partnership in their 2nd global brand ... what do you say?  I say YES, PLEASE!

If you say YES…or I'D LIKE TO KNOW MORE…message me at today!  I will provide you the information you need to make your decision.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What People Say -VS- What I Hear

I have had the good fortune to share a tremendous business opportunity with many people over the past 23 months.   As is expected, not all of them have locked arms to walk this journey with me. These are common things I hear ...

People say to me: I don't have the time.

I hear: Jen, I don't want an opportunity that gives me more time flexibility and freedom. Nope, definitely cannot handle that.

People say to me: I don't have the money.

I hear: Jen, I don't want the chance to make more money. I want to be able to continue to tell others that I am broke!

People say to me: I don't know ANYthing about skincare.

I hear: Jen, I don't want to learn about something that has the power to change my life.  And, I am definitely not capable of using these products and sharing my results.

People say to me: I don't know anyone who would buy this. 

I hear: Jen, I don't know anyone with skin. All of my friends have exoskeletons.  They are ants.

People say to me: I don't want to sign up for a pyramid scheme.

I hear: Jen, I haven't taken time to research and understand that the Direct Sales business model is not only legitimate, but also a great way to add residual income to my portfolio.   I don’t understand that residual income is the KING of all income and that it can continue to bless my family for decades in the future.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? These are not reasons to ignore a great business opportunity. These are nothing more than excuses created out of fear - of the unknown, of failure, or of what others might think. They are misconceptions.

Being average is a choice. Stop making excuses, and choose to be EXCEPTIONAL.

To learn more about my unique opportunity, head over to


Monday, April 6, 2015

If The Fear of Failure Stops You, You Lose

{This post is excerpted from Check it out for great tips!}

Fear of financial insecurity can stop us dead in our tracks! It can become much more powerful than our Hope.  

Have you ever Hoped to start a business but the Fear of being broke held you back? This is a common fear all of us have when we first start out. And most of us have it even when we become “successful”.

A reader asked “How did you get over your fear of economic insecurity when chasing your dreams?”  
For some reason, I’m terrified of being broke. I totally resonate with this question because guess what— I still feel this way.

Human beings are wired to survive; which means we seek to avoid pain instead of choosing to feel good. It’s this hard wiring that keeps us alive but it also holds us back from living our dreams.

When it comes to starting a business, any business, there will always be risks. Why? Because that is the nature of the game. The question becomes “How much risk can you comfortably live with?”

When I started [my business], I took a massive risk. I remember deciding that I would rather live on the beach in Venice California, BROKE, with my laptop than go back to my corporate job in the music business. I went all in and ended up couch surfing for almost two years. But I also took a calculated risk. I knew that the world always has and always will need inspiration so it was a safe bet that this could be successful.

So I went all in; knowing I could fail; but not going back. Not giving in to the more certain plan B back in the music business. Since making that decision almost six years ago, there hasn’t been one day that’s gone by where I haven’t been afraid of going broke, running out of money, or just failing.

I remember one time in the early days, I needed $500 for groceries but nothing was happening money wise. I checked the mail a couple of days later and I got a check for $500 from a reader when I needed it most.

KEEP THIS IN MIND: The universe is always here to support you.  

Here are some tips when handling money fears when it comes to your dreams:

1. Remember when you were most down and out and when you hit rock bottom.

At rock bottom, what happened? Did you make it through? Make a list of all the fears you had when you were at that lowest point. Now think about it. Did any of them come true? And if they did, did you get through it to where you are today? There is amazing power in remembering how strong you’ve been in the past and knowing, no matter what may come, that you have what it takes to make it through.

2. Know the consequences of not living your dream.
Imagine your life in 10, 20 or 30 years from now. If you don’t go all in on your dreams, what is your life like in the future? Are you happy or depressed? Are you living your dreams or a life of regret? I know it totally sucks to think about this but imagine yourself living with regret. The pain of not getting what you want can be a powerful force that will give you the hunger you need to make your dreams come true.

3. Make a fear list.

I love fear lists. Make a list of all the things you are most afraid of happening. Maybe it’s economic ruin. Maybe it’s total abandonment. Maybe it’s that you will be cursed by God and you will spontaneously combust to nothingness. Whatever it is, jot down 5 to 10 things that you are really scared might happen if you decide to follow your dreams or start your business. Getting your fears out can be very therapeutic.

4. Create an action plan.
Now that you know what your fears are you can start taking action to make sure they never come true. And if they do, you’ll have a plan to get yourself out of it. Generally speaking, we have fear because we are trying to protect ourselves. When we take action to revert our fears it’s like being the captain of a ship that sees a storm ahead and can change course. Fear gives you discernment and is an opportunity to take action

Everyone has fear of not having enough. The question becomes “What are you going to do with this fear?”

Remember, the universe has your back and you have the power to get through whatever may come. You’ve already gotten through rock bottom and come out the other end a survivor.

Don’t let the fear of not having enough money hold you back. You are more supported than you know.

If you have overcome your fears in order to realize your dreams, we'd love to hear from you.  Comment below!  
(No spammers or business invitations, please!  These will be deleted.)

Love The Skin You're In!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Did You Learn This Before Making Your Career Choice?

Did They Teach This in College?

Did anyone show you The BIG Picture? 

Were you shown any of it by your career counselor or whoever helped you make your original career choice before you made it?



Ready to take notes? Which income stream do you prefer?

1. Linear Income 
When YOU stop working, your INCOME stops. To expand your income you must work more hours and/or hire people. Either way, growth is linear, too, and you always have to be there.  Your investment is typically your time, as well as the loss of other opportunities due to time constraints.

a. Salary: You are paid a flat amount, regardless of hours worked. 
b. Hourly: You are paid a flat rate per hour. 
c. Sales: You make so many sales ~ you're paid for those sales. 

d. Services: You are paid for the services you perform (per hour or flat fee).

2. Residual Income  A residual income stream will earn you money even when you're not on the clock.  Minimal hours are required to oversee activities.  Up front investment can vary.

a. Continuing royalties on patents.
b. Continuing royalties on copyrights or performances.
c. Payments on renewals of memberships, subscriptions or insurance policies which were originally sold by you. 

3. Franchise Income
Continuing payments based on gross volume produced by franchises you originally sold as a master franchisor or franchising company owner. May suffer in recessions. To expand your income you must sell more franchises (growth is linear) or introduce new products (slightly geometric). Requires a significant up front investment.


4. Passive Income  Income you earn by doing little or nothing at all.  Your up front investment is primarily your time. Risk can be higher than average and opportunities are fewer.

a. Selling Information Products
b. Rental Income: requires the upfront purchase of real estate
c. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is considered passive because, in theory, you can earn money just by adding the link to your site. In reality, you'll earn NOTHING if you don't find a way to attract readers to your site, click on the link, and buy something. It's a long-term "project."
d. Peer-to-Peer lending: A personal loan made between you and a borrower, facilitated through a third-party intermediary such as or As a lender, you earn income via interest payments made on the loans, but because the loan is unsecured, you face the risk of default.
e. Dividend-Yielding Stocks

5. Passidual (yes I made that up) Income A combination of Residual and Passive Income types (the best of both worlds)

a. Certain Network Marketing opportunities - examine each to see if it's a good fit for you.  Those with party requirements will take more of your personal time.  Those with commission level "buy-ins" can become expensive.  Look for a healthy balance and a money-back guarantee (within a reasonable time period).  

Would you like me to make a recommendation? Message me!

I hope you learned a little something here.  If so, please share this post with others so that they, too, can make more informed choices with their income streams!

I'd love to hear from you!  Leave your comments below.  
Thanks for visiting The Skin You're In!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Joining The Best Business Model Ever Just Got Easier

Yes, indeed.  Easy peasy.

As Rodan + Fields, the fastest growing premium skincare brand in the US two years running, celebrates its 7th anniversary as a Direct Selling brand, it is also launching some amazing incentives for its independent consultants.  Read on…

Yes, that's what I'm telling you.  In two months' time, You can earn your business kit to receive a 100% reimbursement.  Additionally, you can earn some fabulous bonuses.  Right now, Rodan+Fields consultants can grow our paychecks faster than ever!

From Kate Spade to travel money and shopping sprees, Rodan+Fields is rolling out some fantastic ways to reward their marketing team (that's their independent consultants).  I am so thrilled to be one of them!

If you're as excited as I am about all of this…send me an email and let's chat about how you can work this business into your life.  I promise you won't regret it!

Love The Skin You're In!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Commute … or Work From Home?

I choose WORK FROM HOME any day of the week!  Not being tied to a specific location means that you can work from the coffee shop, the car, vacation…anywhere!  What will it take for you to consider your other options?

I Will Be Your Cheerleader!

Ahhhh, Sunday! You are a great day to relax, tally all that I've accomplished throughout the week, and the time to make my To Do list fo...