Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leap of Faith

Are you a risk taker? Do you regularly take leaps of faith? You're here, so I know you like to educate yourself. And, you feel like you recognize great opportunities when they appear, right?  But, do you...? Most of us view opportunities through the eyes of our own needs and areas of expertise. 

Maybe that's not such a good idea. For example, I don't drink coffee, but if someone offered me the chance to open a Starbucks for a minimal investment, I WOULD DO IT without hesitation.

I have no history in running a hotel, but if Donald Trump allowed me to invest in one of his at a reasonable price, I WOULD DO IT without thinking twice.

If a multi-decade veteran of an industry told me that investment in a specific company was a once-every-thirty-years kind of opportunity, I WOULD DO IT with enthusiasm.

And, I DID! I took that leap of faith and partnered with two of the most respected names in Dermatology--Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields (the creators of Proactiv). To do for aging what they've already done for acne is the aim of their newest business venture, Rodan + Fields Dermatologists. For less than $1,000 investment in consumable product, I began this successful business by fitting it into the nooks and crannies of my 'day job' as a photographer.

My skin looks younger, I get compliments everywhere I go, AND when I tell people what I'm using, they ask how they can get it. Rodan + Fields Dermatologists products are only sold through Independent Consultants like myself. (Read "residual income." ) There are no hostess-credit style home parties and no inventory to haul around or stock. This is MY business to run as I choose.

Sound like something you could do? Then, take this journey with me. You can only be first once and once R+F goes international in 2014, the sky is the limit for those of us who have been willing to take that leap of faith!

Connect with me by phone or email.


Jen Sherwood 

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