Friday, September 27, 2013

Quality Over Quantity

Michelle Haught - Finding Quality Over Quantity

Posted by Rodan + Fields on Friday, September 27th, 2013

Michelle Haught was eight months along in her pregnancy and working full time in the spring of 2011. Her career as an industrial engineer was demanding of her mental energy, and her time, and she wasn’t looking for anything more to add to her busy life. She would be a mother of three when her baby arrived in a month’s time, and she was preparing for a full home while still keeping up with the pace of her job. She was a very unlikely candidate for a side venture into direct sales. Yet, that April she signed up to be an Independent Consultant for Rodan + Fields®.

The path that led Michelle to her Rodan +Fields business began with an event she and her husband attended to learn about the Company. She recalls thinking it sounded like a great business, but it wasn’t something for her because it was just too different from her line of work. She decided to join somewhat reluctantly after her husband urged her to give it a try. Her intuition and frank approach have rewarded her years later with a business she takes great joy in pursuing. She is grateful that she married someone who encouraged her to do something she was hesitant about at first, but which has rewarded her in the long run. “I’m thankful to have someone in my life who opens my eyes for me sometimes. My husband is my biggest supporter.”

A Family Adventure

Sometimes we all need someone to give us a little nudge in the right direction. Michelle is glad today that she took the challenge of trying something new even if she was timid early on. She laughs now about being nervous about telling her mother that she was doing with Rodan + Fields, because it was so unlike anything she or anyone in her family would pursue. She also admits to having felt shy and awkward in the beginning and to taking a very passive approach when she was starting out. What turned her confidence around was when one of her best engineering friends approached her and asked about becoming part of her Rodan + Fields team. This was someone she respected, and she relates, “It validated what I was doing to have someone I respect join, and it boosted my confidence.” She also got a boost of confidence from the skincare products themselves when she started using the REVERSE Regimen. Just for fun, she took a before picture of her face and an after picture eight weeks later. “The changes were gradual, but after eight weeks I was blown away by how much my skin had changed.”

Michelle still works full time as an engineer, and continues to grow her Rodan + Fields business in the hours she has to devote to it. Her advice for people who are considering their own Rodan + Fields business but don’t feel like they have time is to do as much as you can with what you have. “I focus on the quality of time that I devote to my business, not the quantity.” She finds that her quality time with Rodan + Fields is an enjoyable time, because it’s such a contrast to the stress of her day job. “I spend all day looking at a computer, so the fact that I get to chat with other women in the evenings is amazing.” She has been able to devote ten hours a week to her business, and over time, she says her perspective has changed along with her goals. While she loves her engineering job, she now has a deeper understanding of how the Rodan + Fields business opportunity impacts people’s lives in positive ways. Now that she has reached LEVEL V status, she is not as concerned about keeping her own business afloat and has time to focus on helping her team more. While she doesn’t have plans to quit her job as an engineer, she does plan on continuing to expand her Rodan + Fields business so that it will one day give her the chance to explore her options. For now, she is glad she has made it a part of her world. “I really see the bigger picture of what this does for so many people, and I am happy to be a part of it.”

Michelle and Family

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