Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Great Complexion

Don't you love it when people tell you that you have a great complexion?

Well, I do!  And, it's been happening a LOT lately.  I have to say it has been a nice change of pace from the past, ummmmm, well, not sure how many years, to be honest.  It was 20 years ago that I last recall being envied for my skin.  

Since that time, my body's largest organ has done its job of protecting me, but it has gradually shown the results of sunbathing without sunscreen...sleeping chest-down...scarring from skin biopsies...not exfoliating...pulling at my eyelids to place contacts...and more.   

I used to assume that I was doomed to a future filled with increasing wrinkles and lost collagen.  Kind of depressing, but better than the alternative, I thought.  And then came Rodan+Fields.  A modern miracle as far as I'm concerned.

My biggest dilemma now is deciding how many girlfriends I want to share my skin care secret with!  :)

To great skin,

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